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Chappell Therapy offers Individual San Diego Counseling Solutions for: Relationships | Communication | Anxiety | Stress Management | Self Esteem | Heal Trauma | End self-destructive patterns

Counseling San Diego for IndividualsDo You Want Change but Feel Stuck?

Ahh, the angst of being “stuck”. It’s an awful feeling to know you want something different but are not sure or able to make a move. Are you experiencing anxiety, low mood or struggle in your relationships? It’s completely normal to go through periods of time that feel just plain bad – especially when we are dealing with a loss, life change or illness. However, when our moods or “stuckness” are prolonged over time, it can damage the things most important to us (especially our relationships). If you are ready for change but don’t how to improve things – it’s time to ask for help. Engaging in counseling is a brave step to improving your sense of happiness.replica hermes cape cod watches

Focus on You

Between work, family and social lives, cell phones and computers – finding time for ourselves is increasingly difficult. It’s time to make yourself the priority. Your family, friends and career will thank you for it. Individual Counseling San Diego allows time to be spent on exploring your needs, fears and desires. Together, we will identify the obstacles getting in the way of your happiness in a safe, nonjudgemental environment. Whether you are looking to improve your relationships, decrease anxiety/stress, heal trauma or increase self awareness and self-esteem, we can work together to help build a more fulfilling, productive and balanced life.

You are Not Alone

Everyone experiences moments or periods of time that feel overwhelming, confusing and hard to handle. It doesn’t feel good. Usually it’s in these times that we look for “quick fixes” to make ourselves feel better. These “fixes” (alcohol, food, shopping, gambling, drugs) are great for temporary distraction and relief but end up doing way more damage to our self esteem, wallets, waistlines and relationships. It’s also during these times when we can feel most alone and isolate ourselves from our support systems. I assure you – you are not alone. Together we will explore what you are experiencing with no judgment to find solutions.

Counseling Can Help

Confronting difficult decisions and feelings is hard. It takes guts. But, it’s what is needed if you truly want positive change in your life. My job is to make sure you feel as comfortable and as supported as possible while engaging in Individual Counseling. If you are struggling, adult counseling can be a valuable place to get support, guidance and practical solutions so you can feel better and enjoy your life. My practice is dedicated to using Emotionally Focused Therapy along with Psychodynamic and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques. I use empirically based (proven to work) methods and also understand that one-size does not fit all. For that reason, I customize my approach to that which is most comfortable.

Common Questions and Concerns with San Diego Counseling

Individual Counseling costs time and money. How will I know if it’s worth it?

Individual Counseling is an investment in you and your relationships. Nothing is worse than feeling stuck. Being on the fence, muddled in grief, anxiety, depression or unfulfilling relationships damages self esteem and impacts every facet of our lives. Processing your emotions and getting clarity on what you want in your life and how to get it is priceless. You and I will continuously check-in to make sure you are getting the most out of your therapy experience.

I’m afraid I will find out something is really wrong with me. What if Individual Counseling makes me feel worse?

Individual Counseling San Diego will not make things worse. Counseling will shed light on core issues and sometimes that means tapping into painful areas. The goal is not to have you stay in those hurtful places. Feeling uncomfortable feelings (instead of ignoring them, hiding them or numbing them) is a powerful force for positive change. I will be there with you every step of the way guiding you into healthy, productive ways to get relief.cali boxx frozen blueberry