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Chappell Therapy offers Individual Relationship Therapy Solutions for: Deeper Connection | Communication | Anxiety | Stress Management

Relationship Therapy for Individuals

Do you want to be happier in your relationship?

When someone has relationship or marriage issues they often ask me, “What if my partner isn’t comfortable with relationship therapy?” When your relationship hits a rough patch the idea of dragging your partner unwillingly into a therapy office sounds about appealing as waiting in line at the DMV. In order for couples therapy to be effective, both parties have to be open and committed to the process. If that is not the case for you and your partner is not ready for couples therapy – don’t give up on the idea of therapy. By some estimates, troubled couples wait six years before seeking help. Don’t let your relationship worsen over time. Instead, go it alone (with me). You can make a difference in the relationship.

Benefits of Individual Relationship Therapy

A relationship starts with one person (you). Individual relationship therapy is effective at strengthening your relationship. A recent study conducted by Howard Markman, PhD at the University of Denver found that individuals who attended individual therapy focused on their relationship saw just as much improvement in their relationships as persons who engaged in couples therapy together.

Individual Relationship Therapy Can Help

If you are feeling disconnected and wanting more out of your relationship, you have come to the right place. With Individual Relationship Therapy, I can help you better understand your current relationship dynamics, identify improvement areas and guide you through change. Together, we will explore what you are missing and needing from your relationship. We will talk about how you go about getting your needs met. We will identify and work to give you the tools to communicate your needs in a way that brings your partner closer to you instead of farther away. Our work will give you a clear perspective on your relationship which will help you connect more fully with your partner. It’s not going to be easy. If you want to improve your relationship we will look at your side of the street. It may need to be cleaned up a bit. While it’s easier to point the finger and list all the awful things your spouse/partner does, it’s much harder to look at yourself. The phrase, “It’s easier to look out a window than into a mirror.” sums it up (at least in my own experience). We will look at your role in the relationship dynamic through the most non-judgmental and compassionate lens mens cartier roadster replica possible. I truly believe that everyone’s behavior makes sense in the context of what they are dealing with. Eventually, both parties need to see the problem and change for relationship issues to be fully addressed. But, ultimately changing your behavior and perception is enough to make positive change in the relationship.

Common Individual Relationship Therapy Questions and Concerns:

If I do relationship therapy alone, am I more likely to get divorced?

People who come in to improve their relationships are not looking for a divorce. They want to expend all possibilities of improving their relationship before going or considering that route. If you want a divorce, you’d contact an attorney instead of a marriage counselor. I believe you are looking for solutions, even if you feel helpless and hopeless about your relationship.

Therapy costs time and money. How will I know if it’s worth it?

Yes, relationship therapy is an investment. You are investing in yourself to have better relationships. Studies show that people who are happy in their relationships are happier in general. They are generally physically healthier, more productive at work, earn more money, and have lower stress. You and I will continuously check-in to make sure you are getting the most out of your therapy experience.

What if I learn something is wrong with me, like I’m crazy or something?

First of all, I don’t see people as mental disorders. Secondly, we all act “crazy” when our needs aren’t being met. I see you in the context of your experience. Imagine being at a restaurant and seeing someone flailing around grasping at other people. You might think this person is out of their mind – if you didn’t know they were choking. Of course someone is going fight for their lives if their oxygen is cut off.  I can assure you that in over 8 years, I’ve never met with someone in my office and thought “this person is crazy”. I doubt you will be the exception. Instead, I see you as courageous for even coming in to gain self-awareness and develop healthy coping skills.

Jennifer Chappell Marsh, LMFT is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist providing specialized counseling services in San Diego, CA.


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